Work Experience

Work Experience gives high school students the opportunity to gain work experience, while also earning high school credits. It's part of a group of off-campus learning programs, including the Registered Apprentice Program (RAP) and Dual Credit.

If you have any questions about the program, please reach out to Mr. Turnham, Work Experience Coordinator, at 780.231.7955.

The Work Experience program is a great opportunity for students for a number of reasons:

  • Students are able to work part time while earning high school credits for graduation,

  • Students discover their career interests and aptitudes in meaningful work activities through community-based work stations,

  • Students can apply the knowledge and skills they've acquired through other course work in the workplace, and

  • It allows students to further their personal development, career planning and employability skills.

Work Experience is open to any high school student. They can enroll in the program pre-employed (with a current job), or consult with the work experience coordinator to obtain employment.

Once students register in the program, they are enrolled into a Work Experience 15, 25 or 35 course, depending on their grade level or at the work experience coordinator's discretion. 

Work Experience courses are not needed as prerequisites for the next level. For example, a grade 12 student can register in Work Experience 35 without having completed Work Experience 15 or 25.

How to earn high school credits:

Students receive 1 credit for every 25 hours worked. The minimum number of work hours required at each level is 75 (3 credits). The maximum number of hours a student is allowed to work for credit over their high school career is 750 hours (30 credits).

Students may earn up to 30 credits in work experience, but only a maximum of 15 credits will be eligible towards their Alberta High School Diploma.

It is the students responsibility to submit monthly time sheets to the program coordinator (Mr. Turnham). This is very important, because credits earned are based on timesheets submitted. Without timesheet submissions, students will not be granted high school credits for the program.

Students who are enrolled in Work Experience are required to complete Workplace Safety Systems HCS 3000. There is no cost associated with taking the course.

Workplace Safety Systems HCS 3000 is a module that students can do independently any time throughout the year. Students must complete the module in order for any Work Experience credits they've earned to be issued. Students can register and start the module by joining Google Classroom bp37bw6.

If you've taken CALM through summer school at any one of our high schools, you may have completed the module already. Please connect with Mr. Turnham to confirm your completion.

Here's what students can expect from Workplace Safety Systems:

  • Gain knowledge, skills and attitudes pertaining to workplace health and safety

  • Become familiar with workplace health and safety management systems, from history to present day (to better understand why current legislation is the way it is)
  • Learn to identify various types of hazards and to assess these hazards for the purpose of helping control them

  • Become aware of federal and provincial legislation relating to workplace health and safety

  • Better understand their role in the workplace as it pertains to safety of self and others

The program is a cooperative effort between the school and community. There is an expectation for students to maintain a good work ethic and mature level of responsibility.

Work Experience relies heavily on independent student work. 

It is the students responsibility to submit monthly time sheets to the program coordinator (Mr. Turnham). This is very important because credits earned are based on timesheets submitted. Without timesheet submissions, students will not be granted high school credits for the program.

Students can register for Work Experience at any point during the school year. To register, please fill out the two forms below and submit them to Mr. Turnham by email.

  • Off-Campus Education Agreement (PDF) - Note: This form has fields to add information if the student has current employment. If you don't have current employment, submit the form and leave that section blank. Mr. Turnham can work with you to find employment. 
    NOTE: All fields and signatures must be filled in if you're currently employed. Failure to obtain signatures and permissions may exclude you from the program.

If you have any questions, you can reach out to Mr. Turnham by email or phone/text (780.231.7955).