Policy Manual

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G-110-AR: Educational Partnerships and Sponsorships


  • G-110
  • Ethical Guidelines for Business - Education Partnerships, National Business and Education Centre

  1. Principals shall consult with the school council, parents, staff, and students (when appropriate) in the identification, development, and implementation of educational partnerships and sponsorships.
  2. The outcomes of all partnerships agreements and subsequent activities must serve to enhance the delivery of a quality experience for students, based on the principles of public education.
  3. When a school or the division enters into a partnership or sponsorship arrangement, the following shall be considered.
    1. The partnership is developed and structured in consultation with all partners.
    2. There is agreement to measure and evaluate partnership performance on a regular basis to make informed decisions.
    3. Partner organizations are Canadian owned, whenever possible.
  4. All sponsorship agreements require both the approval of the school principal or site-based administrator as well as the approval of the Superintendent or designate.
  5. All partnership agreements must be evaluated annually, in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the partnership agreement.