Policy Manual

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E-610-AR: Class Size

  1. Each student in the division will be challenged to potential and make continual progress on the curriculum expectations.  Division teachers are better able to provide relevant, stimulating and quality programs when they know individual student interests, learning styles, and progress on specific curriculum expectations and that class size has an impact on a teacher's ability to meet student needs and a student's opportunity to learn.
  2. Principals will make decisions on school organization, with a focus on keeping class sizes reasonable within the available funds.
  3. The following are examples of criteria to be considered by Principals when working with staff and parents to make sound educational decisions for keeping class sizes reasonable within the available funds:
    1. number and nature of the students in the class grouping;
    2. amount and nature of support available to the teacher and students;
    3. nature and size of classroom space available;
    4. impact of the class size on the ability of the school to offer other programs; and
    5. student enrolment
  4. Principals are encouraged to make every effort to keep class sizes below or at 30 students, and to make kindergarten and grade one a priority for maintaining smaller class sizes.
  5. Principals shall inform the Superintendent or designate of class sizes in October of each school year.
  6. The Superintendent or designate shall monitor class sizes and report annually to the Board.