Policy Manual

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C-660-AR: Disposal of Supplies, Furniture & Equipment


  • Education Act: Sec 192, 194
  • Alberta Regulation: 181/2010


  1. Supplies, furniture and equipment that are surplus to the division’s needs will be disposed of through a process that will accrue the greatest possible benefit to the division.
  2. Financial Services will arrange for the disposal of surplus supplies, furniture or equipment and the subsequent transfer of credit within the division.
  3. Schools and decision units wishing to dispose of supplies, furniture, or equipment surplus to their needs are to notify Financial Services and provide a detailed list of the surplus items.
  4. Surplus supplies, furniture and equipment with an estimated value of $5,000 or less shall be:
    1. made available for purchase by other division schools or decision units;
    2. sold to another publicly funded organization, community association or charitable or non-profit organization;
    3. sold by advertising publicly such as in a local newspaper or through recognized electronic media;
    4. sold by public auction with or without a reserve bid;
    5. sold through consignment; or
    6. sold by negotiating trade-ins on new purchases.
    7. Any other method of disposal requires the prior approval of the Superintendent of Schools.
  5. Division staff and students have the same right of access to items being disposed of as members of the public. Items may not be directly transferred to individual staff members or students.
  6. Surplus supplies, furniture and equipment with an estimated value greater than $5,000 shall be disposed of in accordance with the Education Act and related regulations.