Policy Manual

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C-630-AR: Information Security and Acceptable Use of Technology


  • FOIP

  1. When risks are managed appropriately, technology is a powerful tool.  It enhances learning and enables staff and students to access information and collaborate with others. 
  2. Senior administration is responsible for the security of the network including safeguarding computers through the use of the firewall to protect staff and students from illegal or objectionable material/content.
  3. Equipment, network and software are the property of the division and are intended for educational purposes. Senior administration retains the right to monitor and retrieve information as required.
  4. All transmissions of personal information through technology shall be in compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) legislation.
  5. Staff and students shall adhere to the standards of acceptable use when using division technology and technology infrastructure.
  6. Division administrators are responsible to ensure that a copy of the Information Security and Employee Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement, for the use of technology, network resources and the internet, is reviewed and signed by each employee at the time of hiring, reviewed periodically and is available to all staff through the division web site.
  7. School administrators are responsible to ensure that a copy of the Student Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement, for the use of technology, network resources and the internet, is reviewed with and signed annually by each student, grades 3-12 and by each parent/guardian, grades K-12 and is available to students, parents/guardians and staff through the web site.  In addition, an Acceptable Use of Take Home Technology Agreement and Student Declaration is required to be signed when at home learning is the method of education.
  8. Information will be protected against unauthorized access.
    1. Staff and students are responsible for safeguarding their passwords.  Individual passwords are to be kept private and not shared with other users.
    2. Where applicable multifactor authentication will be implemented.
    3. Users should protect their workstations from unauthorized access by locking it when leaving their workspace.
    4. If an individual suspects or identifies a security breach, he/she should notify information services immediately.
  9. The division recognizes the use of social media is a viable means to engage colleagues, students and parents/guardians for educational purposes. The division supports use of social media to interact knowledgeably and responsibly.  The following are key considerations:
    1. social media applications are public. Posts leave a digital footprint, which cannot be erased;
    2. division staff using social media applications shall adhere to the Terms of Reference for use of the specific social media application; and
    3. division staff shall not disclose confidential or personal information as defined by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act without first obtaining written consent from the parent/guardian, or the student if age 18 or over.
    4. students and staff shall conduct themselves as respectable digital citizens.