Policy Manual

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C-130-BR: Student Transportation


  • C-130
  • C-130-AR
  • B-180, Student Accommodation
  • C-110, District Owned Vehicles
  • F-130, Student Fees
  • Education Act, Sections 7, 59, 59.1
  • Alberta Regulation 96/2019
  • Traffic Safety Act
  • St. Albert Public Schools Student Transportation Manual
  • Application for Waiver of Fees Form


  1. Designated school (funded): funded by Alberta Education. Access to transportation is provided to:
    1. kindergarten to grade 6 students who reside at least 1.0 kilometres from the school in their home attendance area;
    2. grade 7 to grade 12 students who reside at least 2.0 kilometres from the school in their home attendance area;
    3. kindergarten to grade 6 students who are directed or recommended by the division to attend a school outside of their home attendance area and reside at least 1.0 kilometres from the school; and
    4. grade 7 to grade 12 students who are directed or recommended by the division to attend a school outside of their home attendance area and reside at least 2.0 kilometres from the school.
  2. School/prgram of choice (funded): funded by Alberta Education. Access to transportation is provided when practical to:
    1. kindergarten to grade 6 students who reside at least 1.0 kilometres from a school outside of their home attendance area;
    2. grade 7 to grade 12 students who reside at least 2.0 kilometres from a school outside of their home attendance area;
    3. high school students attending Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate or Advanced Career and Technology Studies when the program is not available, at the high school in their home attendance area and reside at least 2.0 kilometres from the school;
    4. students who attend a program of choice e.g. (Logos, Cogito) and reside more than 1.0 kilometres for kindergarten to grade 6 and more than 2.0 kilometres for grades 7 to 12;
    5. students and their siblings who become ineligible due to the modification of attendance areas and reside outside the minimum distance requirements for their grade level; and

    6. siblings of students directed or recommended by the division to attend a school outside of their home attendance area and reside outside the minimum distance requirements for their grade level.
  3. Not funded/non-resident: not funded by Alberta Education. Access to transportation is not provided unless there is space on the bus:
    1. for kindergarten to grade 12 students who reside within the walk boundary (1.0 kilometres or 2.0 kilometres, respectively) from the school in their home attendance area or a school/program of choice; and 
    2. for students who reside outside of the school division available space will be designated first to students within the walk boundary and then to non-resident students on a first come, first served basis.
  4. Procedures
    1. The Board of Trustees may enter into an agreement for reimbursement of parent/guardian provided transportation with parents/guardians of funded students with disabilities when the students cannot, because of their disabilities or logistics, use regular transportation provided by the division.
    2. The Board of Trustees delegates to the superintendent or designate the authority to develop procedures for:
      1. daily school bus procedures;
      2. waiving of transportation fees;
      3. student responsibilities in relation to division provided transportation; and
      4. handling of school bus accidents.


  1. The transportation of students to and from school-sponsored activities should be by commercial carriers except in special circumstances.
  2. The board authorizes the superintendent (or designate) to approve student transportation in special circumstances to and from school and school-sponsored activities in private vehicles in special circumstances.
  3. The vehicle owner’s insurance is primary.
    1. After the vehicle owner's insurance is exhausted division liability insurance protection may be provided under the board’s comprehensive general liability insurance policy for authorized volunteer drivers transporting students in privately owned vehicles on a school activity.
    2. Division coverage shall apply only to that portion of an award for damages in excess of liability coverage of a volunteer driver’s insurance for previously authorized use.
  4. Transportation of students in private motor vehicles must be by a qualified, adult driver who:
    1. holds a minimum of a valid class 5 (or equivalent) driving license;
    2. has informed their insurance company that they will be transporting students; and
    3. has agreed to abide by the requirements of all applicable laws.
  5. A motor vehicle used to transport students must be:
    1. a passenger vehicle with automobile insurance coverage of not less than $2,000,000.00 public liability and property damage; and
    2. properly equipped with seatbelts and in which the students’ use of the seatbelts is enforced; the number of passengers is to be limited to the number of seatbelts that are usable.