Policy Manual

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A-150-BR: Discrimination and Harassment


  • A-150
  • A-150-AR
  • D-180 Resolution of Complaints/Concerns regarding Division Staff
  • Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom
  • Alberta Human Rights Act
  • Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP)

  1. Individuals subjected to discrimination or harassment have a responsibility to make it known either to an individual in a position of authority, to the alleged offender, or both, that a specific behaviour(s) is offensive.  This does not preclude the filing of an informal or formal complaint.
  2. The superintendent, principal, site supervisor, or designate who receives a complaint is responsible for ensuring the complaint is addressed applying the principles of natural justice related to an individual’s right to know the nature of complaints made against them and their right to respond to these complaints.
  3. Employees, students, parents/guardians, volunteers, and members of the public shall not knowingly and willfully submit complaints based on false accusations.
  4. Employees can obtain advice and assistance regarding strategies for confronting discrimination or harassment by contacting the human resources department, who may appoint a resource person to provide assistance.
  5. Students, parents/guardians and volunteers can obtain advice and assistance regarding strategies to address adult-student discrimination or harassment by contacting a teacher, counselor, school administrator, site supervisor, the superintendent or designate.
  6. Complaints regarding discrimination or harassment can be resolved through:
    1. an informal verbal complaint mechanism that may involve voluntary mediation/conciliation; or
    2. filing a formal written complaint with a school administrator, site supervisor, superintendent or designate.
  7. Information collected in confidence will be secured and information related to the complaint, including the identity of the parties involved, will only be disclosed to the extent necessary to investigate the complaint.
  8. Resolution procedures do not negate an individual’s right to file a complaint outside the organization with the Alberta Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, a union or professional association or through civil or criminal courts.
  9. The superintendent, principal, site supervisor or designate who receives a complaint has a responsibility to take action toward resolution of the complaint that protects the complainant from retaliation.
  10. No student, employee, parent/guardian or volunteer shall take retaliatory action against an individual making a complaint regarding discrimination or harassment.  Sanctions may be imposed for retaliation.