Policy Manual

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E-100.7-AR: Programming for Students - Locally Developed Courses


  • Education Act Sections 16, 19, 52, 53, 58, 196, 197, 222
  • Guide to Education: ECS to Grade 12

  1. Definitions: Locally Developed/Acquired and Authorized Courses (LDCs):  are developed by school divisions and acquired and authorized by the division to provide students with learning opportunities that complement provincially authorized programs.  LDCs allow schools to be innovative and responsive in accommodating students’ special interests and abilities, and to address local community interests.
  2. The division makes provisions for locally developed/acquired and authorized junior and senior high school complementary courses.
  3. All locally developed/acquired and authorized courses and learning resources shall be consistent with the Guide to Education:  ECS to Grade 12.
  4. Locally developed/acquired and authorized courses are only applicable to junior and senior high schools.
  5. All locally developed/acquired and authorized courses shall be approved for a maximum of four years.
  6. Schools submit requests to offer LDCs to the director, curricular services.  Timelines are based on the grade level, time of offering and whether the course is newly developed or acquired.
  7. Courses recommended for approval shall be submitted to the superintendent who will present them to the board for approval.
  8. Evaluation and reporting procedures for locally developed courses shall be consistent with Board Policy F-100 and Administrative Regulations F-100 AR.
  9. The director, curricular services shall forward requests for authorizations of credit courses to Alberta Education as required.